Exact system to learn skills in your corporate job that you can monetise to become a Digital Nomad + travel the world🌍

Get Access Before Price Increases.

I know…

You've been wanting to travel the world, making money remotely

But your 9-5 is preventing you from living the dream, 

Travelling across the world fulfilling your passions & earning an income from your laptop + WiFi alone.


You’re locked up, stuck in that rat race mentality climbing the corporate ladder just to keep your head above water.

Stuck in an endless loop where your dream of becoming a Digital Nomad stays exactly that = A Dream.

Taking orders from managers & being suffocated with additional tasks without any extra pay for reasons such as 'Budget Cuts' which make your dream to travel even more unlikely.

If you're still reading this you are lucky, one of the very few people that want to change their life and I'm here to give you the opportunity & the blueprint to do exactly that... 

To break free from the corporate cage.

This community teaches you practical methods to use corporate skill-sets you already have & use them to generate money from anywhere in the world.

It allows you to have coaching directly from Tyy to ask him questions live about transitioning from:

Corporate Cage β†’ Global Freedom

Bite the bullet. Join Tyy & every other Digital Nomad travelling the world fulfilling their passions after overcoming the Rat Race.

How Does This Community Helps You?

Get Coaching Directly

From Tyy

βœ… Get access to Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls with the whole CareerPathPlus community.

βœ… Get monthly 1-1 calls directly with Tyy

βœ… Ask him any questions & get them answered LIVE.

Access The Community

βœ… Celebrate your wins with like-minded people & collectively plan your corporate escape.

βœ… Learn along side others who are on the same mission of freedom as you.

βœ… Network with likeminded people all starting a new chapter of life as a Digital Nomad

FREE Bonus Resources

βœ… 5-Hour Digital Nomad Course

βœ… Multiple Training Workbooks

βœ… Multiple resources + training videos on turning your Corporate Skills into Wifi Money.

βœ… Get mentorship every step of your journey

βœ… Step-By-Step training to transition you from being in the Corporate Cage to experiencing Global Freedom

You're One Button Away From Escaping Your 9-5 & Becoming Free.

We teach you how to leverage your corporate job, escape your 9-5 & become a Digital Nomad🌴

Meet Tyy πŸ‘‹πŸΎ

Worked in a Corporate 9-5 for 2 years

Became an Intrapreneur to leverage corporate & learn skills for free in his job that could pay him

Used these skills in corporate to become a Digital Nomad at 21 years old

Created a step-by-step blueprint for you to help you do the exact same in less than half the time.





βœ… Spend years trying to escape the rat race

βœ… Stay in the Corporate Cage trapped in the 9-5

βœ… Join later on, at a higher price



βœ… Get years of Corporate Intrapreneur experience GIVEN to you

βœ… Avoid making common mistakes when escaping 9-5

βœ… Have 24/7 from Tyy & the community

βœ… Direct access to Tyy, to answer all of your questions at any time

βœ… Cancel anytime with NO risk

βœ… Join at the lowest price


What Is CareerPathPlus?

CareerPathPlus is a private community dedicated to teaching 9-5 employees how to leverage their corporate skills to transition into successful digital nomads, fostering a life of freedom, travel, and professional autonomy🌍

What Happens Once I Join?

Once you've joined, you'll get full access to the Community, the 5-hour course & all other resources.

See you inside!